
Water is one of the most important elements in construction and is required for the preparation of mortar, mixing of cement concrete and for curing work etc. The quality of water used has a direct impact on the strength of the motor and cement concrete in the Construction Site Work. There are various tests on water to check its quality for suitability of concrete construction. Quality of water for construction use is determined in the laboratory. In civil engineering projects, large quantity of different materials are used and it is necessary to test these materials according to certain set patterns within desirable frequency of testing in order that the quality of final product is maintained. The pH range, TSS, Chloride, Sulphates, Organic and Inorganic Solid are essential parameter for the construction water analysis.

Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean and free from injurious quantities of alkalies, acids, oils, salts, sugar, organic materials, vegetable growth or other substance that may be deleterious to bricks, stone, concrete or steel. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing.

Impurities in water can cause metal corrosion, introduce unwanted silt and clay into the concrete, adversely affect the hardening process of concrete and also reduce the strength. Thus the need to ensure the quality of water used during construction is vital.