We know that the Water is a life-giving liquid. Most of the people in the world are die due to unhygienic and poor quality of water. The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of diseases worldwide are waterborne.
Waterborne diseases can affect anyone, anywhere. The risk is more for infants, younger children, the elderly and patients of diabetes, chronic diseases of heart disease, kidney, etc. Most of the people had no knowledge of water-borne diseases. People should aware of water borne diseases and their Precaution. Yearly many people are dying due to lack of pure drinking water especially pregnant women and children are more suffering from this problem.
Everyone have right to drink treated and pure water. The pure water is not only necessary for hydrogen but also for maintaining the balance between the body and their functions such as cell regeneration respiration, digestion and elimination of toxins. So when your water is of poor quality, your mind and body can’t function properly. You may feel sluggish, bloated, and dehydrated without the proper amount of high quality water.
Waterborne diseases can affect anyone, anywhere. The risk is more for infants, younger children, the elderly and patients of diabetes, chronic diseases of heart disease, kidney, etc. Most of the people had no knowledge of water-borne diseases. People should aware of water borne diseases and their Precaution.
As we all know that water is an important element to regulate body so drinking water should be pure and hygienic. Otherwise, people may suffer from various water borne diseases. Yearly many people are dying due to lack of pure drinking water especially pregnant women and children are more suffering from this problem.
The only way to tell if your drinking water is safe is by having it tested at a certified laboratory. Harmful bacteria, parasites, and viruses are invisible to the naked eye, so water which looks and tastes good may not necessarily be safe to drink. These microbes can exist in surface and groundwater supplies, and can cause immediate sickness in humans if not properly treated.
Everyone have right to drink treated and pure water. The pure water is not only necessary for hydrogen but also for maintaining the balance between the body and their functions such as cell regeneration respiration, digestion and elimination of toxins. So when your water is of poor quality, your mind and body can’t function properly. You may feel sluggish, bloated, and dehydrated without the proper amount of high quality water.
Public water treatment facilities remove major contaminant, they may not remove impurities that make your water smell and taste and they may not supplying you the pure water which is good for your health but the water treatment technologies regulate the water treatment facility for Chemical, microorganism and other contaminants. So drink pure water for your good health.
As we all know that water is an important element to regulate body so drinking water should be pure and hygienic. Otherwise, people may suffer from various water-borne diseases. Yearly many people are dying due to lack of pure drinking water especially pregnant women and children are more suffering from this problem.
Water quality testing is important because it identifies contaminants and prevents water born disease. Source of water is an important factor in providing safe household water. Wells, lakes, ponds and rain water are all sources of household water, but they must be tested to maintain public health standards. Sometimes household water contains bacteria, viruses and parasites so need to identify by testing.
Bodies of water such as oceans, seas, lakes, ponds, swimming pools, hot tubs and water parks may contain germs that can cause recreational water illnesses. These illnesses include stomach, ear, and skin infections, but diarrhea is the most frequently reported illness. Ideally, public and private recreational water areas should be tested at least once a week or more often if possible.
Animals get some of their nutrients and minerals from the water that they drink. And, poor quality water can impact their health and ability to produce. Therefore the quality of their water should meet specific quality parameters.
Fruit and vegetable crops and the soil that they are grown in, depend on quality water that will provide the right amount of nutrients and sustain or improve yield and quality. Major concerns of agricultural water for crops are salinity, infiltration and toxicity categories. So the water testing is essential in agriculture also.